Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Maybe you despise Democrats Wilson and FDR for saving England's
> butt in WWI and WWII? 

Don't forget China's butt, too.

One might argue that England would have survived WWII even if the United
States hadn't directly entered the war, but it's hard to say that about
China, and nobody in Europe seemed to care, as far as I know.  Only FDR
seemed willing to act to get Japan off their backs.

> Also, "anarchist control
> freak" sounds like a contradiction of terms to me, but I wouldn't know,
> not having met any anarchists.

I've known a number of anarchists -- at least, if you count libertarian
followers of Ayn Rand who believe "government = evil".

They sure weren't "control freaks".  More like "out of control freaks".

Last I heard, FDR had been kind of in favor of a significant role for
government in many things, and favored government-mediated solutions to
some of the world's problems.  That doesn't seem like a description of
an anarchist to me.

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