>From Jed,


> This is an extraordinary moment in US history. The situation is a lot more
> critical than most people realize, according to friends of mine who
> understand something about economics.
> - Jed

Taking the longer view, it does seem obvious to me that this mess will
go down in the history books as a major turning point in reigning in
the blatant misbehavior of certain financial institutions. More
transparency will be called for. That's probably a good thing. A VERY
good thing.

It would seem that a rallying cry of many republicans is a fervent
belief in promoting less government regulation in the lives of their
constituents, especially in regards to how they would like to conduct
business. I suspect a lot of republicans are likely to resist a slew
of regulatory changes soon be proposed, vilifying them as being
anti-freedom, or un-American.

I suspect the majority of the peasants will be unsympathetic. I sense
they are already gathering an impressive load of tinder at the base of
many stakes.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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