On Nov 1, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Edmund Storms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is exactly what Obama has proposed to do in contrast to McCain who
wants to drill for oil and encourage nuclear power.

Just to clarify, Obama also supports nuclear power.

To further clarify, Obama also has the same kind of support for drilling for oil. However, he has on many occasions made it clear that he favors the renewable energy over the politically correct energy sources.

On the other hand, I agree with Jed. McCain has shown a consistent emphases on the politically correct methods.

Yes, I voted a week ago and I'm getting sick of hearing about an election that is in the bag.


The candidates are actually close together on energy policy, at least
in their speeches and web sites. On energy, energy efficiency and
global warming, McCain's views  are closer to the Democratic party
than the Republican party or the Bush administration.

Perhaps McCain is insincere about this. I am not being sarcastic; I
really do not know what he is thinking, but you might doubt his
sincerity for the following reasons:

His voting record is close to the Bush administration. Cheney endorsed
McCain today. Cheney shaped the Bush administration energy policies,
and energy is a very important issue to him, so either Cheney is
having second thoughts about his own policies, or he believes McCain
will continue to support these policies. Finally, Palin is entirely in
favor of oil-centered, conventional energy policy. She does not
believe that humans have caused global warming, although she thinks we
should fix it. This begs the question: if we did not cause the problem
with CO2 emissions, how can we fix it?

No recent administrations, Democratic or Republican, have had
effective policies on energy or energy efficiency.

- Jed

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