Hi All,      12-21-08

Right now I'm reading "The Rise of the Fourth Reich"
by Jim Marrs; and I've run across something that may be
of interest starting on page 76: "The Wenzeslaus Mine [was]
located about 215 miles west of Warsaw in Lower Silesia ...
[It was] used in connection with the strange experiments
described to his captors by SS officer Sporrenberg.
These experiments centered around ... the Bell ...

During operation ... two contra-rotating cylinders filled
with a mercury-like ... substance spun a vortex of energy
which emitted a strange phosphorescent blue light and made
such a buzzing sound that operators nicknamed it the ...
beehive ...

To try to understand the purpose of the Bell requires a
brief side trip into the world of ... Zero Point Energy."

Jack Smith

(As a side note,
see http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/timeline.html

``Clarence Dillon of Dillon Read, set up the German
Steel Trust with Thyssen & partner, Fredrick Flick ...
[George Herbert] Walker, {Prescott] Bush and [Averell]
Harriman owned a third of Flick's holding company [Silesian
Holding Co.] and called their share Consolidated Silesian
Steel Corporation ...

Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation was located near
the Polish town of Oswiecim. When the plan to use Soviet
prisoners as forced labor fell through, the Nazis began
shipping Jews, communists, gypsies and other minority
populations to the camp the Nazis had set up. This was
the beginning of Auschwitz.'')

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