
Since there's apparently little to no interest in
learning what I found re: the Morton effect, or what
I've done/am doing with Laithwaite's inertial
propulsion work, or discussing faster than light
travel, implications thereof (resistance to in
sci-community/effects and/or testability of
alternatives to SR/evidence supporting/etc.),
constructing a simple LENR heater (still I maintain,
we should try), and so forth, here's a bone to chew
on. I tried getting away from this, but I felt that
since the experiment has apparently died, maybe
something else is wanted.

You called me crazy when I said, Obama and Co. would
salivate over the idea of forcing mandatory service on
people. Read this, particularly section 6:


Look up HR 1388 on there as well.

And this:


Ignore the somewhat ridiculous at times right-wing
banners and whatnot, but the meat is all there to
read, and you can find it from the horse's own mouth.
Or is that donkey, given the political asses behind

Allow me to quote this little thing called the 13th
Amendment. It isn't just for blacks.

"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,
except as a punishment for crime where of the party
shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the
United States, or any place subject to their

Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce
this article by appropriate legislation."

Being a young American citizen is a crime now, I
suppose. And pray tell, if as HR1444 states,
volunteerism is up, why do we need to even consider
making it mandatory (which is unconstitutional and
illegal)? Creedence Clearwater Revival got it right:
"And when you ask them, how much should we give? Oooh,
they only answer more! More! More!"

I will qualify what I am saying for you that say, 'he
posts this only out of concern for himself.' Wrong. I
am not age eligible for this as proposed, nor would I
be required due to my (numerous and increasing) health
problems. I am worrying for my family, my friends, my
acquaintances, my neighbors, and those I do not even

Last note for now, what would the bleeding hearts
(weren't you guys the same ones supposedly against
drafts and such? Peace, flowers, etc.?) say if this
had been proposed by a Republican? The only news
outlet that /wouldn't/ be trashing it in that case
would be Fux. Er... Fox. Sorry. Ahem.

They'd be right to trash it too. Regardless of party
line, this is wrong.

V for...Victory?


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