Being a young American citizen is a crime now, I

Where have you been?  Being a kid has involved a significant lack of
the normal human rights you normally get the moment you turn 18 for a
LONG while now.

and, this has been in the works for FOREVER.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Kyle Mcallister
<> wrote:
> V,
> Since there's apparently little to no interest in
> learning what I found re: the Morton effect, or what
> I've done/am doing with Laithwaite's inertial
> propulsion work, or discussing faster than light
> travel, implications thereof (resistance to in
> sci-community/effects and/or testability of
> alternatives to SR/evidence supporting/etc.),
> constructing a simple LENR heater (still I maintain,
> we should try), and so forth, here's a bone to chew
> on. I tried getting away from this, but I felt that
> since the experiment has apparently died, maybe
> something else is wanted.
> You called me crazy when I said, Obama and Co. would
> salivate over the idea of forcing mandatory service on
> people. Read this, particularly section 6:
> Look up HR 1388 on there as well.
> And this:
> Ignore the somewhat ridiculous at times right-wing
> banners and whatnot, but the meat is all there to
> read, and you can find it from the horse's own mouth.
> Or is that donkey, given the political asses behind
> this?
> Allow me to quote this little thing called the 13th
> Amendment. It isn't just for blacks.
> "Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,
> except as a punishment for crime where of the party
> shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the
> United States, or any place subject to their
> jurisdiction.
> Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce
> this article by appropriate legislation."
> Being a young American citizen is a crime now, I
> suppose. And pray tell, if as HR1444 states,
> volunteerism is up, why do we need to even consider
> making it mandatory (which is unconstitutional and
> illegal)? Creedence Clearwater Revival got it right:
> "And when you ask them, how much should we give? Oooh,
> they only answer more! More! More!"
> I will qualify what I am saying for you that say, 'he
> posts this only out of concern for himself.' Wrong. I
> am not age eligible for this as proposed, nor would I
> be required due to my (numerous and increasing) health
> problems. I am worrying for my family, my friends, my
> acquaintances, my neighbors, and those I do not even
> know.
> Last note for now, what would the bleeding hearts
> (weren't you guys the same ones supposedly against
> drafts and such? Peace, flowers, etc.?) say if this
> had been proposed by a Republican? The only news
> outlet that /wouldn't/ be trashing it in that case
> would be Fux. Er... Fox. Sorry. Ahem.
> They'd be right to trash it too. Regardless of party
> line, this is wrong.
> --Kyle
> V for...Victory?

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