-Scientists speak out re. the President's visit to MIT/ valid concerns & 
comments & viewpoints-Economics is a 'hard science also.'

exerpt:  But the 'pro-science/pro Energy' route is an absolutely good for an 
administration intent on getting R & D projects turned into real and pervasive 
reasonably priced energy technology!  I'm for Obama and I hope he can transcend 
the Monstrous Pressure of the Banking/Insurance international cartels.  Energy 
independence would be for naught if that Banking Insurance Corporate 
Health-Care Parasite is allowed to thrive and control America's real-Energy & 
Monetary destiny.  I really miss Milton Friedman about now.  He knew that by 
'not' throttling hyper-opportunistic banking back by greatly increasing the 
'fractional reserve percentage ' system that hyper-inflation & massive 
hyper-opportunistic banking/corporated parasitism would rampage & ravage our 
future economic stability & viability.  Add toxic asset mortgage bundling as a 
commoditiy etc. and the picture is complete.  3rd-world economic impotence 
looms for the American common-man/woman.  Nobody much listened (enough) to 
Milton, but boy was he ever right!






*Michael Foster wrote:

Oh Wow! I guess they'll give a Nobel Prize for physics and chemistry now.

That reminds me of a story of a WWII vet, a hero who often wore his medals. 
Someone remarked that the guy seemed to have a swelled head because he preened 
around in public wearing medals. Another vet said: "Listen, I was with him when 
he won those medals. If he wants to wear them in the bath that's fine with me."

If Obama gets health care reform through, does something to fix the war in 
Afghanistan AND allows cold fusion research then as far as I am concerned he 
will deserve every medal ever issued, including the Olympic medal for Live 
Pigeon Shooting.

Anyway, I told Peter Hagelstein to attend this and try to buttonhole someone 
from the administration. Knowing Peter, he probably ignored the message from 
the University Administration.

- Jed Rothwell -
Jack O'Suileabhain writes: * * * The very best that the nation & world for that 
matter is bound to reap from the Obama administration is a fast track R & D 
push for energy including Cold Fusion in its various permutations and hopefully 
some new & novel approaches relative of cavitation etc & Dark Energy R & D.
The planet has granted Barak a pass for the moment on skepticism and that can 
stand to be a very good thing.
Universal Health care should come under the current National Health Service 
that we now administer excellently on the nation's Indian Reservations.  This 
would expand employment for Physician/Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioners 
and support staff to the tune of 'CCC'-era successes during the depression.  
Goverment as a social-contract employer is 'not' communism but rather a viable 
'of the people, by the people, for the people' device which thrives under 
quasi-military type management which we already know how to do quite well.  
Social innovation is good whereas its antithesis is Government Mandated 
compulsory control of citizens private finances by private institutions such as 
the Mega Insurance/Healthcare international cartels which are largely lobbying 
away the American Constitutional freedoms as we speak.
But the major point here is that this expansion of the existing 
quasi-military-modeled National Health Service MUST be rendered as TOTALLY 
SEPARATE from any and every form of 'Insurance' which currently is tantamount 
to throwing the population to the greedy Super-bank owned World Insurance & 
Health Care cartel which has rendered(and is further rendering) so-called 
progressive first world countries such as our own to be defacto 
Credit-Insurance slaves.  This has dictated massive inflation and mandatory 
addiction of our population at large to the kind of defacto mandatory 
Insurance-Inflationary hamster-mill 'quasi-non goverment controlled TAXATION' 
(minus any protective representation).  
Andrew Jackson would likely use a quasi-anti-trust-busting policy to separate 
National Banks from any &/every connection to Insurance & health care which has 
turned a 'people-serving' national-credit guardian banking system into a 
monstous plague of fiscal parasitism and perpetrating an ever expanding 
economic slavery upon the populous.  JFK's Jacksonian attempts to reign in 
world bank serving national banks ended fatally.  Insurance across the board 
needs to be severely shrunken down and Government's mandating of 
any(whatsoever) compulsory insurance requirements upon any American citizen 
should be Constitutionally banned & prohibited.  Insurance should forever 
remain a voluntary choice among many free & non compulsory choices for America. 
 Current corruptly-lobbied-into-place quasi-legal compulsory gov.mandated 
insurance requirements are anathema to life liberty & the pursuit of happiness. 
While the insurance super-corporated lobby-bullys claim to be the 'champions of 
security' they are actually stealing the 
resource-liberty-and-future-of-real-ship from the citizens of America's future. 
 Whether it was 
Franklin &/or Jefferson &/or Adams who said that, "Those who mortgage away 
those liberty's, that we in good faith have humbly attempted to secure for 
them; traded away in barter for the notion of cradle to grave 'security' will 
lose both and deserve neither."(paraphrased)  And that is pure & honest truth 
and fundamental common sense.
Islam's Sharia-law system as a threat to America's future liberty is actually 
no more than an glaringly obviously absurd and nettlesome irritation compared 
to the Real Cancer Eating US from within at the hands of a monstrously greedy 
and sociopathic International Banking/Insurance/Health HMO cartels that are 
seizing our future using political hacks to legislate the Death of Liberty at 
the hands of bureaucratically administrated addiction to the REAL TAXATION of 
Insurance exhorbitantly endlessly escalating-inflating Premiums and a runnaway 
Bank/Realestate associated Hyper-Inflationary-Credit  'Quang about Americas 
Collective Throats'  which leaves us helpless to do anything but TOTALLY 
DEPENDENT on the absurdly high-priced Constantly Inflating Health Care that the 
VERY SAME BANKING & INSURANCE CARTEL also own.  All ends are being played 
against the citizen who much like the "Matrix" plots is now merely a 
'energy/money resource for Goverment' who he's terrified of; and that goverment 
has become a defacto 'controlled instument' of the Mega 
Bank/Insurance/CorporateHealthCare super-cartel.  And our chicken on-the-take 
political hacks sell us down river by voting for their Insurance 'funder's' 
fine-print-sneaky-riders on bills of encyclopedic size that they have neither 
the ability nor predeliction to hardly read, much less understand. So they 
merely 'vote' as they are told by the lobbyist-system that funds their 
respective campaigns etc.
So we all wink at each other and say, "Why sure don't be naive, that's just how 
it is."  Was Alexander Solshenitzen naive?
And this dismal spiral in turn 'insures' that in addition to the never ending 
manatory credit inflation of durable goods like shelter, health care, and 
transportation etc. that future generation WILL NEVER HOPE TO OWN ANY TANGIBLE 
ASSETS and the little guys & gals will never pass on tangible assets to their 
heirs.  Tangible assets will ownly be the purvue of the top tier elit.  And a 
socalled Government Insurance Program would merely be piling on to future asset 
hopelessness to our young & yet-to-be-born descendents who we've already 
strapped with an impossible debt load.
Is this Marx's formula for the fall of America's once sterling promise a la' 
Adam Smith that everyone could 'truely posses and control his or her slice of 
the pie?'  
Political Scientists oft point out that Marx's ideas of 'evolution to 
communism' were screwed up in Russia because they skipped the necessary first 
stage after Monarchy of going to free-opportunity-little-man capitalism; which 
is quickly fading from the American landscape by the way.  When lecture-circuit 
in America Alexander Solshenitzen pointed out that the American Dream that he 
had always hoped to share was actually on this 'seriously perilous decline; 
then old Alexander 
was succinctly & abruptly censored/canceled from the lecture circuit. 
Obama-Ted Kennedy National Health Care as a Mandatory Insurance scam would be 
disasterous for American and unravel into a disfunctionally dismal bureacratic 
gordian knot that further tax-strapped the populous while 'not' improving our 
'real' health care much. 

 But the 'pro-science/pro Energy' route is an absolutely good for an 
administration intent on getting R & D projects turned into real and pervasive 
reasonably priced energy technology!  I'm for Obama and I hope he can transcend 
the Monstrous Pressure of the Banking/Insurance international cartels.  Energy 
independence would be for naught if that Banking Insurance Corporate 
Health-Care Parasite is allowed to thrive and control America's real-Energy & 
Monetary destiny.  I really miss Milton Friedman about now.  He knew that by 
'not' throttling back by greatly increasing the 'fractional reserve percentage 
' system that hyper-inflation & massive hyper-opportunistic banking/corporated 
parasitism would rampage & ravage our future economic stability & viability.  
Nobody much listened & boy was he ever right!
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