As presently planned, the speech will have a very limited audience, of maybe 60 people:

I was gearing up for a large speech in a giant auditorium. Such events usually have a table outside the auditorium for literature, although who knows if an event with the prez. would. Anyway, I was planning to ask people to put flyers on the table for, but if only a handful of people can get in, it is not worth doing this.

Peter Hagelstein asked me not to do this because whenever anyone mentions cold fusion at MIT, professors opposed to it blame him, and clobber him. He said it is futile in any case because they will just come along and throw away flyers, or tear down any that are posted. I told him:

". . . telling me that MIT profs will throw away flyers is like waving a red flag at a bull. . . . The only person who would have gotten more riled up would be our late friend Gene Mallove."

A stack of flyers for an audience of 60 people would be ineffective.

- Jed

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