I suggested it could be a heat pump about a week ago, after someone
(you, I think) said that the orbo generated more heat than its
electrical energy consumption. If it's a high COP (>2) heat pump it
can be quite useful for heating purposes, although totally useless for
electrical power generation as we discussed a few years back ("loop
closed?" thread).

It being a heat pump would imply that the surrounding air gets cooler
of course. It would also imply that if the device with its surrounding
air is enclosed in a calorimeter it will not be found to be overunity!


2010/1/24 Harry Veeder <hlvee...@yahoo.com>:
> Orbo discussed as a heat pump:
> http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=62574&page=1#Item_0
> Harry
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