Three pages of questions and answers at his weblog:


Daniel G. Zavela
January 15th, 2011 at 4:28 AM
Greetings from California and congratulations on your successful work!

Can you simply state what the Watts IN are versus Watts OUT?
Can you turn off the input current? Does the reaction become self-sustaining?

Andrea Rossi
January 15th, 2011 at 5:05 AM
Dear Mr Daniel Zavela:
Watts in: 400 wh/h
Watts out: 15,000 wh/h
Yes, we can turn off the input current, but we prefer to maintain a
drive and the reasons are very difficult to explain without violating
my confidentiality restraints.
The reaction becomes self sustaining.
Warm Regards,


COP = 37.5


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