Rich Murray wrote:
Since 1989...

No replication...

By independent groups...

By associated groups...

By the same group, on the scale of days, weeks, years...

By the same group with a single device, on the scale of days, weeks, years...

That's ridiculous. The bulk Pd-D experiment has been widely replicated by many different groups, both independently and with materials passed from one lab to the next. It was done hundreds of times in a row at TAMU and later Toyota. The NRL distributed PdB alloys, and the ENEA passed out their thin cathodes, made by Violante et al. Both were confirmed by many labs.

Tritium was reported by over 100 labs, according to Bockris. (I do not have a tally.)

The Energetics Technology technique has also been independently replicated.

Arata's experiments with the DS-cathode and later with Pd-Zr powder have been independently replicated, but not as much as bulk Pd.

Ni-H experiments have been sporadically reported. Some people such as Srinivasan made a great effort to replicate but they failed. At ICCF-16, McKubre characterized the evidence for Pd-D as "compelling" and the evidence for Ni-H as "strong." I agree with that.

I give Rossi a great deal more credence than I would otherwise because there is previous "strong" evidence for Ni-H cold fusion. We can't ignore that. He is not making an unprecedented claim out of the blue. People here say he should be replicated before we can believe him. Maybe, but after all, he himself is replicating others, especially Focardi. The two of them are close friends, by the way, and Focardi respects Rossi. If we are going to take into account human factors and personality factors, we should bear that in mind. Rossi does act like a flake at times, but he has won the respect of many good people. A lot of groups in Italy take him very seriously.

- Jed

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