Mitchell Swartz <> wrote:

> He needs a metachronous 1 MW pulse for enough time
> and energy for the system to reach the same temp and heat
> deposited  that the LANR system would  expect to achieve
> in the steady state,

Ah. That is a skeptical objection I did not anticipate.

I think this requirement is highly impractical. The only device capable of
making a 1 MW pulse of heat long enough to achieve steady state in a flow of
water would be a 1 MW water heater (a boiler). I believe that would cost
about $200,000. That is quite a lot to pay for a calibration.

Based on what I learned from the people at Hydrodynamics, the County
Property Manager's department and other Hydrodynamics customers, I do not
think any HVAC engineer in the world ask for this kind of calibration.

- Jed

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