>From Jones

> Others apparently feel as I do, that a device that cannot be "safely"
> unplugged makes me nervous.
> Yes. Nuclear reactors (fission type) make me nervous. I wouldn't want
> to live near one.

Indeed, the current lack of a clear understanding of the engineering
(and theory) involved would HAVE to spark considerable debate within
the US for years - assuming Rossi & Focardi's device turns out to be a
winner. Risk concerns (risks which I gather are unconfirmed at this
moment) of unwanted/unshielded radiation exposure, versus the more
familiar risks of continued unpredictable price fluctuations from the
international petroleum scene ought to keep PACS & politicians busy
and well funded for quite a while.

On one side of the street protesters will carry picket signs warning:

"Don't let them Rossi-date your water!"

Hmmmm... who could be funding this grass-roots organization... I just wonder.

...whereas on the other side of the street:

"Kill ITER!"

...and then, there's Mills & Co., presumably getting ready to strike
before the end of 2011. Waaaaay too many variables to keep track of.

Hopefully, a major fallout will turn out to be electric & heating
bills at a fraction of their current costs. Hopefully within my

Steven Vincent Johnson

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