From: noone noone 


Dear Mr Mattias Carlsson:

Yes, we do.
Warm Regards,


Now, does this tell us anything about the type of catalyst he uses? 



No – but it tells us volumes about someone’s basic honesty, doesn’t it ?

At least when you place this information side-by-side with the “adds 10% to the 
cost of nickel” quote. 


The cost of the cheapest nickel isotope is on the order of ~$20,000/gram. 

Cough … cough … Does anyone really believe they are getting straight answers 
about anything important from this inventor ? He may be honest about trivial 
details but that is all you can depend on.

I’m sorry I wasted my time with a previous post - trying to rationalize out how 
Rossi could be honest about the stainless, or the clear lack thereof, when the 
Swedish analysis showed no chromium. … and I am looking at a recent isotope 
analysis of a sample from a US inventor, which was in a stainless Dewar for two 
days and it SHOWS chromium !!

Why waste time with this nonsense? You will get no honest answers from him.

If you are going to replicate – the LAST THING you want to do is base any 
design choice on a pronouncement from Rossi about any detail which can related 
to important issues, like the catalyst or the quantities of reactants use. 

HE DOES NOT WANT REPLICATION - how obvious that is by now.


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