Does this tell us anything new?

Dear “HRG”:
My process has nothing to do with Widom Larsen Theory. Nothing at all,  as you 
will see when we will publish our theory together with the  presentation of our 
1 MW plant in Greece in October.
Warm Regards,

From: Axil Axil <>
Sent: Mon, April 11, 2011 4:47:05 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:

Okay; but, I cannot find the issue on proton breakdown.  Perhaps you
>could direct me.
>On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> > The pressure
>>> > buildup is so intense, the atoms stop being atoms, and the nucleus of
>>> > the
>>> > former hydrogen atoms breaks apart into it's constituent protons, which
>>> > then
>>> > break apart into their constituent sub-particles (quarks and gluons),
>>> > which
>>> > themselves start behaving abnormally.
>>> This is where you lose me.  Can you cite any reference whereby this
>>> proton breakup into quarks and gluons has been demonstrated?
>>> T
>> Radiochemical Comparisons on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Uranium
>> This theory posited by Milel et al explains why there is no isotopic
>> deviation from natural abundance.
>> The creation of a “super atom state” in the condensate results in condensate
>> fission whose reaction products adhere the natural distribution imposed by
>> the quark nature of matter.

Dr Miley has developed a theory of LENR transmutation that predicts this 
abundance of isotopes around the magic atomic numbers of
2, 6, 14, 28, 50, 82, 126…
Now, 28 is the atomic number of nickel, and the fission of the super atom 
during the fusion of many atoms will result in an array of elements that 
around peaks defined by these magic numbers:
2 – helium
6 – carbon
14 – silicon
28 – nickel
There will be many transmutation events producing nickel whose atomic number 
is 28, but also some lesser amounts producing copper (A = 29) and even less 
(A = 30).
On the other side of the Boltzmann quark distribution described by the 
expression N(Z) = N’ exp (-Z/Z’) where Z’ = 10. 

You get more cobalt (A = 27) and even less Iron (A = 26).
All these elements have been seen is Rossi ash.
Around the lower order magic numbers carbon (A = 6) and silicon(A = 14) are 
clustered the following elements:
8  - Oxygen
9  - Fluorine(captured to form fluorides)
10 - Neon (outgased ?)
11 - Sodium
12 - Magnesium
13- Silicon (mentioned as ash)
14 - Phosphorus
15 – Sulfur (mentioned as ash)
16 – Chlorine (mentioned as ash)
17 – Argon (outgased ?)
18 – Potassium (mentioned as ash)
19 – Calcium (mentioned as ash)
It is as if a large amount of hydrogen atoms together with some other atoms 
nickel go into a quantum mechanical blender and turned into a coherent quark 
soup. In an instant, when the quark soup fissions, this LENR process produces 
atoms whose isotopic character is the same as exists in nature. This is to be 
expected since the inherent properties of quarks define what comes out of the 
fission process. This LENR fission process is done so gently and at such low 
energies that no unstable (radioactive) elements are produced.
Emitted X-rays energies correspond to the speeds of these various fission 
fragments rebounding away from the center of this fission process.
A further consequence of the LENR evaluation leads to the ratios R (n) (n = 1, 
2, 3…) of the Boltzmann probabilities, namely R (n) = 3n.  This suggests a 
threefold property of stable configurations at magic numbers in nuclei, 
consistent with a quark property. IMHO, in order for the quark property to be 
reflected in the Boltzmann distribution of the fission products, a 
of the constituent quarks on there level would have had to take place: just 
what happens after the “big bang”.


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