On 2011-06-19 04:06, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
I can't be sure from Krivit's rather murky summary of events whether
Levi was actually lying about it, or was confused, mistaken, or had been
misled by Rossi, but whatever the underlying situation is, Levi comes
across looking very bad here, IMHO.

If it's about the data that Krivit was supposed to receive, don't worry: Passerini (22passi) told today that Levi will give them to him instead. The end result is therefore unaffected for the general public, but Krivit would have to copy/paste them to his blog from elsewhere (i.e. 22passi blog). I guess that second-hand information would not be as valuable as receiving it directly for an investigative journalist like him, Levi probably thought.


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