At 03:21 PM 6/22/2011, Terry Blanton wrote:

I don't know if her life is more enjoyable, but her path to the
theatre is longer.   Quoting:  "Eeew, that's nasty!"

Normal girl.

I found a large spider dead on my bathroom floor, and showed it to my two young daughters. Both of them recoiled. It really was a large spider, very ugly. Or ... hey, very beautiful, it's all in how it's framed! Both of them were interested to see the leg under the microscope. "Daddy, it's way cool that you have a microscope!"

So ... gum on the ground, notice how the gum is more plentiful the closer you get to the waste container. You could teach statistics with this, just right for a certain age; the gross factor would actually increase interest. I think it's great to get kids over this hump of instinctive revulsion. After all, there are reasons to be instinctively "jumpy" about a large spider, but no reason to fear it once you know it's dead. No reason to get upset over that gum, unless you are tasked with cleaning it up!

And then you give them the right tools and suggest that they approach the theater to get paid to clean it up.... I could imagine a nice little contract.... All it would take is a little research into what works with gum on that surface. And they can wear gloves.

And then they start to see the world as being full of interesting stuff and opportunities.

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