Joshua Cude wrote:

    Whereas Rossi measured the flow by weighing the reservoir before
    and after. That method is infallible. It overrules the people at
    esowatch who are speculating about the pump and waving their hands.

Why should I believe Rossi? If I did, there would be no need for demos, would there? I'd put in an order for my own ecat.

Everyone who has seen the test told me he did this, including the 50 people who saw the first test. Some of the photos show the reservoir is sitting on the scale. In Krivit's visit, Rossi said he had weighed the water and he would do it again after the test. If he had not done this, and he was lying, my guess is that Krivit would mentioned that.

So you don't have to believe Rossi.

I think you should stop making this about Rossi. Stop focusing exclusively on him. He is not the only one who ran tests and made claims with this device. Other such as Piantelli have seen heat from Ni systems. Many others have seen heat from Pd systems. I realize that you do not believe any of these claims, but as I said, you should stop considering the claims one at a time, in isolation. Looking at one while ignoring all others. First you pretend that Rossi did only one experiment. Then you pretend that Rossi is the only one who says he weighed the reservoir, so if we cannot believe him, it cannot be true. Next you will claim that if Rossi says 4.2 joules equals one calorie, we can't believe it because he says it.

Your tactic is called "divide and conquer" or "defeating in detail (piecemeal)." It is good military strategy. It is a shame the Union Army did not do this to Gen. Lee before the Battle of Gettysburg. But it is not a valid method of doing science. It is not rational. You have to consider the totality of the evidence. Some number of mistaken or even fraudulent experiments are possible, but this many is out of the question. For you to believe this many researchers could be wrong (or lying) is a lot like believing that NASA faked the moon landings.

- Jed

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