2011/8/9 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>:
> Since Rossi was able to keep the thing from overflowing when Galantini
> observed the tests, why do you think he was unable to do this when Krivit
> was watching the test?

When Galantini observed the test, they had large version of E-Cat that
can store large quantities, perhaps several liters of water, before it
starts overflowing. This also means that ictu oculi is very unreliable
way to make reliable confirmation. And as we already knew, Galantini
did not measure E-Cat's internal pressure, but he measured only the
room pressure.

It is obvious that Krivit's E-Cat was overflowing, if there was 7 kg/h
flow rate, because if all water would evaporate, temperature would be
more than 101°C due to steam pressure. But even more probable it is
that actual water inflow rate was something like 2 kg/h or even less.
Little pincer in the inlet hose can reduce the inflow rate, as pump
operates only in 300 kilopascal pressure.

[speculation] My interpretation for the June E-Cat is that Rossi did
not show Krivit a working E-Cat, but only version where was only
electric heater active(!). After all many people have requested a
control experiment, where E-Cat runs with electricity only(!). And if
we look Rossi's presentation when he did "calculations" he treated
Krivit's audience like he would assume that Krivit was doing
journalism to some tabloid news paper(!). So I would think that Rossi
has just twisted sense of humor(!). Perhaps he also wanted to
discredit himself, in order to be bothered by press so much.

- Jouni

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