Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:

Anyways, I see that it is absolutely impossible for Rossi to control
> anomalous cold fusion reaction so that it would match exactly with the
> water inflow rate, because I think that even 5% variation in heat
> output would cause drastic change of steam temperature . . .

No, it would just reduce or increase the steam production by about 5%. The
temperature is always the same at 1 atm.

The only difficulty is knowing how full the container is. Since Rossi has
been working with these things for years I expect he can tell by the sound
and temperature, just as an experienced cook can estimate how much water is
in a pot of boiling water.

With an old-fashioned steam locomotive, the engineer would increase and
decrease production of steam by opening dampers or stirring the coal. Rossi
can apparently tweak the power level with analogous methods.

- Jed

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