On 11-09-15 01:49 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com <mailto:sa...@pobox.com>> wrote:

I would get testy if people addressed me the way they have addressed him. Also, if I were Levi I would have tossed Krivit...

I wasn't talking about the Krivit interview, which I haven't read. I was thinking in particular of a response from Galantini I've seen online in which he attempted to explain and/or defend his conclusion. It was informative, but not in the way I'd hoped.

You seem to be suggesting that because he and the manufacturer disagree with you, their judgement is worthless.

I've seen nothing to indicate that any manufacturer agrees with Galantini's conclusions about steam quality.

And as to my opinion regarding Galantini, when someone makes a measurement from which he draws a conclusion which is obviously incorrect, and then refuses to either explain how he did it or back down on the conclusion, yup, IMO that makes his testimony (about *anything*) worthless.

I realize you deny that his measurements and conclusions were incorrect, and I realize I won't convince you otherwise, regardless of how much time I care to spend detailing my reasoning. So it goes. (I won't hire you to evaluate steam quality in the future, so there!)

Galantini's *judgement* I know nothing about. All I know about is his *testimony*, which I have gleaned from a handful of public statements, which may or may not reflect his true opinions.

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