Am 25.09.2011 20:05, schrieb Jouni Valkonen:

Steam sparging is easy to do, but obviously we must still remember to leave measurements for experts, because if Horace does the measurements he will get at least 25% error, because he can only do one datapoint at the time...

I do not know where to even begin debunking Horace's "analysis", perhaps I should just leave it uncommented. Yes, that would be wise.

I think it is not necessary to analyze this.
Krivits version will soon be superseded by experiments in Upsalla.
I found it intersting that there are so few bubbles.
So almost all steam must condensate. The remaining bubbles must be almost air. Of course the bubbles will carry some moisture and heat away with them.

I think it would be easy to improve this if the steam is pressured into a metal tube thats under water and that has many small holes.

Also the scale is not made for such small weights it is at the beginning of the scale, where the readings might be inaccurate. Its not a high precision measurement, but a high evidence method of measurement because it cannot deliver false surplus results.

I had this idea before and proposed it, but it was ignored.


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