Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:

> Therefore I do not complain Mats for being incompetent, because I know that
> Horace, Jed and me would have failed in similar manner. It is just too easy
> to be wise five days after the demonstration.

I was wise before the demonstration. It took no great skill, but as I wrote
here, in a message I copied to Rossi:

". . . Several days before this test, I sent Rossi a short list of
suggestions. For example, I said that all data should be recorded on a
single computer with time stamped records. I said that the outlet water from
the heat exchanger should be made available to observers so they could
independently test the temperature with their own equipment. It would have
taken an hour or two to implement these changes. My suggestions would have
answered *every one of the objections* that has been raised against this
test so far. Every single one."

I am not saying that I described a perfect test. There can be no such thing.
I did anticipate all the major problems. So did several other people here.

More to the point, it would have been easy to fix these problems. It would
have taken no more effort to set this test up correctly than it did to set
it up wrong.

For the record, Rossi vehemently disagrees with me.

- Jed

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