Times "I" used 12.

Times "my" used 3.


On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 6:39 PM,  <fznidar...@aol.com> wrote:
> Cold fusion is not the only thing I have been working on.  I have developed
> a device that detects when the ground wire breaks in a mine.
> Obama has inspired me with has call to innovate.  I may have a customer for
> the mining device.
> I have also developed an automotive cell phone adapter, which is what I need
> advice on.  A video of it in operation is linked below.
> http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/zpt/movies/phoneadapter.wmv
> It is pretty much standard in that it activates the voice recognition in the
> phone and has one stick on button to call, answer, and hang up.  This part
> of the  technology is the same as in a standard wired head set.  I found
> that when I amplified the audio from the phone through the AUX jack in the
> radio an echo resulted.  The sound from the remote caller traveled out of
> the speaker and back into the mike.  From there it is sent back to the
> remote caller.  The echo is quite annoying, to say the least.  I first
> developed a complex circuit with a battery, audio amplifier,  and FET to cut
> off the mike when the remote caller was speaking.  It worked but was a mess
> .  You had to turn the box on before making or receiving a call then turn it
> off to save the battery.  I then used my knowledge of the physics and
> wave cancellation and wave dispersion and developed a simple, passive, and
> effective echo eliminator.  That's my trade secret.  I have had several
> major manufactures look at it.  they even signed non-disclosures, and
> letters of intent.  They are excited at first, then after a while do not
> even return my calls.  I have a provisional patent.
> What is wrong with this technology?  It has only about 5 working parts and
> works fairly well.  I know Blue Tooth is the wave of the future but this
> product will let millions of people who drive older cars to quickly
> and cheaply upgrade.  Am I missing something?
> Frank Znidarsic

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