Hello.  I have been following Rossi and the posts since the beginning and
am very fascinated.
Rather than a fraud, I believe Rossi is on to something incrementally
better than those that came before.  He has more success starting the
reaction, however I think he has little control over it once started
To that supposition, can others comment on how they believe control exists?
 (For discussion purpose, please suspend any thoughts that it is a scam.)

   1. Rossi, with all his comments, seems to suggest that it takes time to
   heat up the ecat to get things started, however from the demonstrations,
   they do not seem to have started in any scheduled way.  He does, however,
   seem to get the ecat started within a few hours give or take so that is
   2. He has shown it in "self-sustaining" mode but always shuts it down
   after a few hours with some excuse.  Why does he do that when the
   blockbuster note would be "the ecat just keeps on going."  I suggest this
   must mean that the ecat cannot just keep on running for 6 months has he
   notes; at least in self-sustaining mode.  and if not in self-sustain mode,
   then what does he do to "reset" the reactor?  Use his heating element?
    that makes no sense.  Add Hydrogen?  Again that makes no sense as he could
   put a regulator on this and do such automatically.  What resets the
   3. He noted in the 2nd to last demo that he had a frequency generator
   and it had been hidden all along, but in the last demo he notes there isn't
   one.  Does this suggest that he was trying something new to help in start
   up or make it run longer?  Or was this mis-direction?  Where was this
   device or wires for it in previous tests?
   4. How does he control the reaction?  His only control seems to be the
   heating element and the flow of water over the reactor.  But in all
   experiments, until quenching, the water flow seemed to be constant.  And
   one generating "substantial" heat, clearly controlling the reaction with a
   heating element very unlikely.   Is contol simply due to the pre-start
   conditions (the amount of hydrogen, nickel, geometry) and it runs "out of
   control" for a few hours?

Any advice on how the control works would be most interesting.

In any event, forget all the nonsense with his lousy engineering design and
terrible business skills; few are good at all things.   If Rossi has found
a way to get the reaction going and produce significant excess energy, he
has changed the world and should be recognized for this.

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