Thank you and nice thoughts regarding control/gain.  I had missed the RF

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

> Rossi has said that each of the 107 E-Cat reactor boxes in the 1 MW demo
> had a individual control system. Running in self sustain mode, with the
> heater not being activated, the only other wires going into the reactor box
> are those called RF as per the attachment. One would then assume these
> wires have something to do with controlling the reactor in self sustain
> mode.
> I also note that Fe was found in the analysed fuel sample. Was the Fe a
> ferrite powder and does Rossi use the RF wires to apply low frequency EM
> induction to the Fe / ferrite powder to somehow assist control of the speed
> / gain / of the reactor when running in self sustain mode?
> I see the E-Cat as a sort of a amplified on the verge of breaking into
> oscillation where in self sustain mode, with a output heat energy feedback
> into the input, gain must somehow be closely controlled less you get
> oscillation, while in heater applied mode, control is much easier as you
> can control the input heat via the heater energy.
> Maybe the Fe and the "RF" assist the self sustained mode control? Ferrites
> when moving up and down their BH curves do undergo slight physical
> dimensional changes. Can these ferrite shape changes cause the Ni nano
> powder, which I assume packs very densely, to alter the number of Ni atoms
> that are available to the H- ions? Assuming the Fe is a ferrite and it has
> a high permeability, this could create a lot of localized micro magnetic
> fields inside the packed Ni nano powder.
> I also note that Rossi said the genset was running because of safety. Did
> he mean that if one of the E-Cats, running in high gain self sustain mode
> got out of control, he would then drop the reactor gain, dropping them out
> of self sustain mode and switch back to heater mode to regain control of
> all the E-Cats?
> Somehow Rossi seems to be able to control the gain of the reaction and in
> heater mode run at a lower reactor gain with external heat applied (more
> safety as he seems to imply) and when self sustain mode is required, which
> he does not seem to like, (maybe he has seen 1 too many reactor melt downs)
> boost the gain so as to use the generated heat as input to the reaction but
> at the risk of a run away reactor.
> Rossi did say that the reason he limited the 1 MW visitors to 2 was
> because of the time it would take to evacuate the reactor room if something
> went wrong. I do suggest Rossi has seen these reactors go very wrong and
> was generally worried about visitor safety.
> Just some thoughts from down under.
> AG
> On 11/10/2011 2:51 AM, Jeff Sutton wrote:
>> Hello.  I have been following Rossi and the posts since the beginning and
>> am very fascinated.
>> Rather than a fraud, I believe Rossi is on to something incrementally
>> better than those that came before.  He has more success starting the
>> reaction, however I think he has little control over it once started
>> To that supposition, can others comment on how they believe control
>> exists?  (For discussion purpose, please suspend any thoughts that it is a
>> scam.)
>>  1. Rossi, with all his comments, seems to suggest that it takes time
>>    to heat up the ecat to get things started, however from the
>>    demonstrations, they do not seem to have started in any scheduled
>>    way.  He does, however, seem to get the ecat started within a few
>>    hours give or take so that is fantastic.
>>  2. He has shown it in "self-sustaining" mode but always shuts it down
>>    after a few hours with some excuse.  Why does he do that when the
>>    blockbuster note would be "the ecat just keeps on going."  I
>>    suggest this must mean that the ecat cannot just keep on running
>>    for 6 months has he notes; at least in self-sustaining mode.  and
>>    if not in self-sustain mode, then what does he do to "reset" the
>>    reactor?  Use his heating element?  that makes no sense.  Add
>>    Hydrogen?  Again that makes no sense as he could put a regulator
>>    on this and do such automatically.  What resets the operation?
>>  3. He noted in the 2nd to last demo that he had a frequency generator
>>    and it had been hidden all along, but in the last demo he notes
>>    there isn't one.  Does this suggest that he was trying something
>>    new to help in start up or make it run longer?  Or was this
>>    mis-direction?  Where was this device or wires for it in previous
>>    tests?
>>  4. How does he control the reaction?  His only control seems to be
>>    the heating element and the flow of water over the reactor.  But
>>    in all experiments, until quenching, the water flow seemed to be
>>    constant.  And one generating "substantial" heat, clearly
>>    controlling the reaction with a heating element very unlikely.      Is
>> contol simply due to the pre-start conditions (the amount of
>>    hydrogen, nickel, geometry) and it runs "out of control" for a few
>>    hours?
>> Any advice on how the control works would be most interesting.
>> In any event, forget all the nonsense with his lousy engineering design
>> and terrible business skills; few are good at all things.   If Rossi has
>> found a way to get the reaction going and produce significant excess
>> energy, he has changed the world and should be recognized for this.

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