On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Harry Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Even if it is a "loss", why is one direction better at turning motion
> into
> > heat?
> >
> > Conventional theory predicts the same "loss".
> Everyone believes the repulsive force should be the same as the
> attractive force between magnets; however, the repulsive force is
> always less.  Here is a handy calculator to demonstrate this:
> http://www.magnetsales.com/Design/Calc_filles/PullAndPushBetween2DiscMagnets.asp
> I think this might be what led to Steorn's confusion.

Since the magnets are moving in a loop, asymmetrical differences between
replusive and attractive forces cannot explain the anomaly. The
anomaly only appeared in the presence of soft ferrite magnet.


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