On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com>wrote:

> That Melich, in the paper, is Rossi's friend, tested the ecats, in 2009, I
> think, and it is an enemy of Krivit. Krivit hates that guy. Krivit, 1 day
> after the first test in January, noticed that he was associated with Rossi,
> and since that very moment, he showed a negative attitude towards Rossi.

OK.  If so, how does that bear on Rossi's veracity?  I'm not sure why
attitudes matter.  I dislike Rossi's approach to things intensely but if
independent testing showed that he really had cold fusion, I'd be happy to
acknowledge that he is a great inventor.  It should be about facts and
evidence rather than attitudes, don't you think?   Krivit thinks Rossi
actively tried to deceive him.  That's reason enough not to like the guy.

Do you know if there are any reports by Melich about Rossi's E-cat?  That
might be interesting to read.

I tried translating from the Swedish PDF to English with Google.  It's not
entirely satisfactory but it does suggest that Kullander did consider
Grabowski's paper or the same concerns from theory.  If I understood him,
Kullander concluded that Rossi experiments showed dry steam within 99%
using the Testo meter.  That's unlikely to be reliable because as has been
said many times, the device was never designed to measure steam quality and
is an HVAC instrument made for typical room temperatures in habitats.

The translation suggests that Kullander also wants Rossi to do long term
(perhaps independent) tests and that until those are done, doubt about his
veracity is reasonable.  At least that's what I got out of it.  YMMV.

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