Am 24.11.2011 21:34, schrieb Mary Yugo:
Another possible problem with the paper at is that they don't say where and how they measured input power with their ammeter. Maybe they say it
My suspicion is that K&E did it correctly with the line cord but that either Rossi had a hidden way to provide more power to the device or that he spiked the reaction mixture somehow. Obviously I have no way to know. This continuing discussion emphasizes yet once more why independent tests are required and why they need to run a longer time.
If Rossi wanted he could make a perfect setup in his own rooms where the ecat is in a blackbox and only input and output energy is measured with approved standard methods. This, made in a convincing and visible way, with some competent and trustable witnesses who can also make redundant heat and electricity values, would convince me and all sceptics, the patholotical sceptics excluded.

Any customer can do this, so why does he say, he cannot do it, because he has no patent?
If he does such a proof he can get a patent without theoretic foundation.
This is very suspicious.


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