Cude's careful examination of the details of the October 28 demo prove
that excess heat was specifically not established by the data,
according to his obvious, simple analysis of how fast a large increase
in reactor core temperature could heat the large thermal mass of the
cooling water flow -- proponents are ignoring or talking past his
points, which he has clarified patiently over and over in recent

I agree Rossi is deluded and caught up in many neurotic patterns.

within mutual service,  Rich Murray

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Alain dit le Cycliste
<> wrote:

> Rossi's behavior  is quite coeherent with a soft-paranoid version.
> Scam is not defendable.
> let's imagine the option.
> MY say, there are no clients, or fake client (actor, friend of scam).
> if no client, no cash from clients. (as say MV here)
> where from ? from investors ?
> no public share sales...
> where is the scam ?
> no room for it.
> if client is real :
> - that client agree to pay billions if it works, big bucks.
> - he have to be suspicious because he know that CF is officially a scam or a
> mistake. at least shareholders ask him for Due Diligence.
>    -> he can pay a billion, so he cam pay a good lab engineer, and even a
> magician to check all.
>    -> he can bring meters
> - he was accepted to supervise the experiment touching the pipes and boxes,
> allowed to installe meters where possible, outside only, but Rossi cannot
> refuse any reasonabledemand
>    -> the client have put meters every where useful for him
>    -> he have checked all he want out of the boxes
>    -> he use also his own body captors (noise, heat, smell) to confirm
> mesures
> -> saying that the client can bee fooled by wet steam, is taking him stupid.
> the client is not a scientist, but a business engineer prepared to see a
> fraud.
> -> however he might don't care about the precision of measure, provides that
> +/- 20% it is what he want... even having half the power is a happy end...
> you don't drop your chicken if it produce only small golden eggs.
> so:
> - if the machine consume much, sure he know it ,
> - if it has stored heat in thermal mass, he can feel it (smell, room temp,
> IR rays, thermometers)
> however:
> - rossi and the client don't care about us... like in poker, if you don't
> pay, you don't see. moreover we are not even on the table.
> - doubt is good for Rossi and his client, because it slow competitors and
> finance market reaction.
> - rossi is a man who fight against the unbelief, the trash mafia, the
> government politicians and ecologists, nearly get ruined, get to jail, see
> the physicists community treat regular scientific studies as fraud without
> considering facts...  he cannot be easily trusting... he have to be
> paranoid, rebel, stubborn, dubious, ....
> the behavior of Rossi&co seems strange, but first it can be analyzed logical
> if you assert that there is a running pattent and commercial war.
> but I'm even thinking that all Rossi behavior is not only rational, but
> simply "emotional"...
> he have so much pain, hate, furor, pride, fear, that his behavior is more
> like the one of a wild roof cat than a bedroom cat.
> anyway, his behavior is far from a plain old scam.
> at worst he might be (badly) lying about the performance of his baby... it
> is a bit what he did, and admit, about the instability of his reactor.
> NI partneship is thus a good business answer (as an engineer I'll do the
> same, to fight DGT, or else as my former schoolmates and  Eng. schools).
> as I say befor, the proposed scenarii for scam, error, and so on ar not
> credible...
> as incredible as the 9/11 complot. too many people in the scam, too much
> complex for the goal, to much budget...
> should go to Occam's Barber Shop.

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