Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

> OK, so you cite someone you know, who is unnamed, who claims to have met
> someone he now knows, but whom you haven't met . . .

How do you know who I have met, and not met?

The engineering and business operations at Defkalion are highly promising.
>> These people are highly professional.
> Meaningless subjective statement.

Not in my opinion, but in any case, that is what he said.

> If these people are behaving in a "highly professional" way then I'm Bill
> Gates.

You would be surprised at how unprofessional Bill Gates was in some
instances. I know people who dealt with him. He is not always what I would
call a smooth, consummate professional. Not as bad as Steve Jobs or Howard
Hughes, but he has had his moments.

> Their science and engineering are first rate. Their laboratory equipment
>> is first rate.
> "First rate" is an undefined token sequence.  It's like "good", or
> "without sin".  Without more context to qualify it, it carries no
> information.

Look here: You do not put any stock in this report. You do not find
anything of value in it. Fine. Good. We get it. Stop kvetching. Make you
point and move on -- all of you.

I would *never* suggest that this resolves all issues, or that this is
functionally equivalent to an independent engineering evaluation. However,
this is reassuring. This expert was there performing the first step in an
independent engineering evaluation. I do not mean they batted around the
idea. I mean he went there specifically to prepare a formal document
describing the tests they plan do. It is progress toward what we are all
waiting for.

Perhaps something will prevent him from following through. Perhaps there
will be no test. Who knows; maybe they were playing for time or dicking
around. That seems unlikely to me. I doubt they would have their
staff spent several days showing him equipment and data as part of a hoax.
I do not think they would have a state of the art fully equipped lab if
this were a hoax. Okay, stranger things have happened, but I feel less

I hope you too feel a little more confident about the claims. I wish I
could say more to bolster confidence, but I cannot relate any more details
at this time. Sorry.

- Jed

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