Question between parallel and serial hybrid is studied, but for

using a serial hybrid mode (Volt?), mean having 2 electric engine/generator
able to sustain the full power.
good point for serial is that turbine works at optimal working point,
because it has no need to drive the wheel...

for parallel mode(Prius), turbine works at various speed/torke and gearbox
is needed to limit that range.
however you save one engine, because the engine is also the generator.
moreover you don't even need to have the engine/generator sustain full
power , because you can accept that without LENR engine the car is less

so you save more than half of the engine weight/cost (but add cost of

It is a key design choice, that should be driven by various (changing)

note that in the 70s, before oil crisis in 74, we have in france the
"turbo-train" which was a train locomotive, driven by an oil turbine,
driving an electric generator driving a classic motor...
a serial hybrid... not very efficient, and very noisy.
technology became uninteresting with oil crisis, and we move to TGV
high-speed electric (=Nuclear) trains (efficient DC engine with smart power
rectifier, then synchronous self-piloted, and today asynchronous
LENR will change all...

2012/1/9 Jed Rothwell <>

> As noted by others here, the most likely design would be a series hybrid
> similar to the GM volt. ... The Prius is a parallel hybrid...

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