100 watts per gram ("," = "." outside of old British Empire) would be about
the same as the 100kW/kg that Rossi is claiming.

It is a great pity that these great results from Focardi, Preparata et al
15 years ago were not followed up on by others back then - can only have
been because other researchers either didn't hear about it, or didn't think
it was credible.

On 12 January 2012 15:09, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ever since talk began about increasing cathodic charge carriers emerging
> with temperature at high loadings I've been trying to recall the name of
> the early researcher who attached an anode directly to his cathode as well
> as having an anode in the electrolyte, and I finally found the cite in
> "Excess Heat" by Charles Beaudette:
> ICCF-6 "Progress In New Hydrogen Energy", p. 136
> The researcher was Preparata.
> Moreover, Beaudette makes some astounding statements about Preparata's
> work:
> "*The same [result] was observed in the about fifty similar experiments
> that we have conducted."  That result produced a power density of 100,000
> watts per cm^3...*"
> All I can say is "WTF?????"

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