Rossi has delivered a 1 MW E-Cat, has said they are building the other 13 x 1 MW E-Cats and he has ample cash. What he said here was they are not yet finished with the optimization of the NI system. Why read something else into his statement?


On 1/14/2012 6:35 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
Didn't Ampenergo put some cash into Rossi last year in May?
Here it is:


On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Alan J Fletcher<>  wrote:
January 13th, 2012 at 5:51 PM
<> The 1 MW Customer is not yet working with the 1 MW plant, because we are
still completing the control systems with National Instruments.
I wonder how he is running financially.  Not a single eCat delivered
to date; but, already pricing mega eCats for the future.

No wonder the skeptics are skeptical.


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