Why read something else into this? LOL. You must be joking.

Because Rossi spoke it, for one thing - and because it is misleading for
another, just short of complete dishonesty. 

You should know this, AG - if you talk to Rossi as much as you claim; and if
he is being straight with you.

Rossi did deliver, yes, but "the customer" has sent it back. 

Rossi's spin: "we will add controls". Only Rossi has NOT even admitted that
it has been returned. That would sound too much like failure.

Customers complaint: *did not work over extended periods*, so of no value
for intended use, despite the fact that it does work for short periods. Thus
we sent it back to Bologna.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat 

Rossi has delivered a 1 MW E-Cat, has said they are building the other 
13 x 1 MW E-Cats and he has ample cash. What he said here was they are 
not yet finished with the optimization of the NI system. Why read 
something else into his statement?


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