Post #7
Slight digression.
crowd of scientists is accused of shoddy science ,unclear thinking and bad
setups, which ruined Pons Fleischmann and others.
We have
also to be aware, that eg the Nobel Brian Josephson supports cold fusion, but
also Homeopathy.
And remember
Crick, who admitted ‘seeing’ the DNA under LSD.
So there
are different types of scientists: 


a) the logical-rigid type and 

b) the intuitive
who have their respective merits, but do not understand each other.
The rigid
type is now by far the most dominant, and academia is structured along this
If You do
not follow the rules, you’re thrown out.
I think a
lot of the LENR-crowd knows this, but cannot express consistently, what the 
essence of this rift
has a lot to do with this. The reviewers are the gate-keepers of this, and, you
guess, a lot of money on behalf  of Elsevier,
Springer etc is involved to keep this system going.
The effect
of this is that the system became sclerotic.
enough Chinese, Indian and to a lesser degree the Japanese do not obey the
rule, and present at times quite outlandish claims, which the western community
Sort of a
culture-war, where the western gatekeepers are the warriors, and the Easterners,
who try to integrate their thinking into the scientific canon, do not
understand what is going on.
End of


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