In engineering, the simplest design is usually the most elegant, prudent,
safest, and cost effective design.

The Light Water reactor design is a Rube Goldberg Machine design which
leads to high cost and over complication.

*The accident was caused by the destruction of the backup power supplies.*

In a reactor design that does not have a need for a power supply then there
is no chance for a problem with power supplies.

*As far as I know, none of the commercial reactors now sold have passive
cooling after shutdown.*

China is building a completely passive waste free commercial reactor to be
available in 10 years. His will blow the current Light water reactor
builders out of the business.

The Chinese are not wedded to the past mistakes of the Americans.

*The Three Mile Island accident was caused by a defective reactor design,
with a stuck valve and a badly designed instrument panel.*

If there is no valve needed in the design then the valve cannot get stuck.

If there is no instrument panel needed then this panel cannot be misread.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
>  I believe that the design of the Fukushima reactors were Pre-Three Mile
>> Island.
> As far as I know, the design of the reactor itself is not at fault. The
> accident was caused by the destruction of the backup power supplies.
> As far as I know, none of the commercial reactors now sold have passive
> cooling after shutdown. So any reactor would have the same problem. Even
> CANDU reactors have to be actively cooled.
> The Three Mile Island accident was caused by a defective reactor design,
> with a stuck valve and a badly designed instrument panel.
> - Jed

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