20120714  00:04

Some thinking about Rossi's recent claims.

ref: recent Interview  2012-07-12

(Sterliing Allen and his crew are in my department of -ahem - 'funny 
characters', and should be symptomatic, that Rossi enters an extended 
conversation with these.)

Here Rossi claims that his 600degC home-ecat is 12x12x6 inch, which is about 
the size of his generation1 e-cat.
It is refilled after 6 months by a cheap cartouche.
Let us assume that it is the size of a tube with 10inch x 2inch diameter, 
containing mainly several grams of specially treated Nickel, plus maybe some 
magic sauce. 
No H2 or D2 inside, which would have to have a tricky release mechanism, and 
stand temperatures of 600degC over 6months.
Where the H2/D2 comes from, he does not explain. 
H2 is very difficult to contain for a lengthy period of time, and much less so 
at elevated temperatures.


Let us loook at the thermodynamics:
It must be actually the inside of the tube, where heat-generation happens, with 
an order of magnitude of 10kW, which seems to be Rossi's standard of measure.

Now how do You get all this heat out?
Good question.
Everybody with a PC under his table, and opened it, would see a big cooler on 
top of the CPU, with its dimensions such that the silicon temperature is below 
say 80degC, with a temperature source (the silicon) producing say 100W.
The 'magic' here is, that there is a series of thermal resistancesin between 
the heat-source and ambient. it is measured by degC/W. a typical value being 
here 0.3degC/W for the cooling beween silicon and ambient.
So for the silicon to be below 80degC, producing 100W, the cooler has on its 
output 80-30=50degC.
You get the idea.

Now with the e-cat it is similar:
You have a heat-producing core, and want to deliver the maximum to a 
'consumer', which is a thermal sink.

Delivering 10kW/600degC to the 'consumer' of the system, means, the core must 
be hotter than the 'consumer', right?
Question is: how much?
Thankfully this is open to very basic mathematics/thermal analysis, where 
several parameters can be varied.

Now 10kW is a 100times the power dissipation of your high-performance-CPU under 
Your desk, which you rarely care and feed for as long as it does what it is 
supposed to.

How does this play out?

Suppose You want to keep the reactor-core below 1000degK, delivering 600degK to 
the 'customer', there is a difference of 400degK, which has to be managed.

This computes to 4e2degK/1e4W= 0.04 degK/W, which is an EXTREMELY hefty value.
I do not know of ANY system which only remotely could perform that feat.

(Btw, this is extremely optimistic. In practice, in a hot system like that, 
parameters are not stable.) 

Now you can call me a stubborn ignorant conservative idiot or whatever.
I just do'nt believe that.
I would have swallowed that with a 200degC e-cat, but NOT with a 600degC 
device, which is --combining this with my firm conviction that the process is 
inherently INHOMOGENOUS-, a deadly combination.

With that it should seem to be obvious even to the most hopeful, that Rossi is 
a phantast, probably worse. A stooge who sold his soul to sinister forces. (I 
try to explain later how this strange issue could be logically resolved.Some 
probability attached, ofcourse.)

Anybody raised on software-diet or tendering a garden as his main business can 
be fooled by that, and because Americans- sorry folks- prefer being happy to 
sad, tend to believe that BS.

My third installment on this issue is still missing, and I have to make some 
finetuning on it, not to be blamed as a nutcase, and probably makes somebody's 
hair stand up, who believes that a splendid future is just around the corner.

Beg Your pardon.

To repeat: I believe that LENR is true, just not as Rossi/DGT claim it to be.


 Von: MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 10:30 Freitag, 13.Juli 2012
Betreff: RE: [Vo]:Rossi conspiracy, part Two

Hi Guenter:
There isn’t much new, verifiable news to report, so why waste reporter 
resources when there are all kinds of technology and science developments going 
on?  Nyteknik reports on all kinds of things, so there is much to keep it 
busy…  I don’t think it’s much of a surprise that Nyteknik has not published 
any LENR articles since Feb… don’t read more into it than there is.

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