Vorl Bek <vorl....@antichef.com> wrote:

> You have to have priorities. Mine are for my own people. If you really
> care about the miseries of the entire planet, I don't see how you
> remain sane.

This makes no sense. These are technical problems. If you find a technical
solution "your own people" you can apply just as easily to everyone else in
the world. You can make more profit selling the solution to everyone.

Indeed, unless you solve the problems for everyone,  you solve them for no
one. The world is small and the pollution from China and plastic in the
Pacific will affect everyone.

Technology is not a zero-sum game, where someone wins only if someone else
loses. Do you think that when people in the third world have cell phones
and e-books and access to all the libraries on earth, that will somehow
hurt you, or prevent you from having a cell phone? Do you think than indoor
food factories in India will take bread from your table?

There is enough solar and wind energy to give everyone on earth as much
energy as Americans and Europeans now consume. (And to give Europeans five
times more than they now consume.) Everyone wins. Everyone benefits, except
coal miners and oil executives.

With cold fusion we will have enough energy to vaporize every planet in the
solar system without any measurable reduction in the available fuel.
Resources in the solar system are available in unlimited quantities. We
have enough to give every person thousands of times more money, energy,
power over nature and knowledge than we now command. The only thing we lack
is knowledge and the will to act.

As Arthur Clarke said, we are like cave men freezing to death on top of a
coal bed.

- Jed

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