On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

> At 10:30 AM 8/17/2012, Arnaud Kodeck wrote:
>> I think AR is smarter than this.
>> He said Ni+p -> Cu when it knew it was not the case. With this statement,
>> he
>> was sure that Cu will not be taken as a potential catalyst and only a
>> by-product.
> Note that this could be parallel with Jospeh Papp. Papp apparently planted
> red herrings in his patent applications, things that he knew would not
> work, to throw people trying to imitate his engine off. Too bad that this
> is the opposite of the intention of a patent....
More importantly, as I have already stated in this forum, it vitiates the
patent in all countries.  Moreover in all countries but the US, which is
"first to invent" rather than "first to file", it opens the door to a valid
patent filing in the present by those who decipher the prior patent.  In
other words, the noble gas engine has never been in the public domain
because its patent disclosure did not, in fact, disclose in such a way that
those "skilled in the art" (what art?) could reproduce the benefit of the

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