At 10:55 AM 8/18/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:
I think the invention was real, powerful and very uncertain and unreliable, prone to failures, malfunctions and explosions, nature of the beast.

No. Papp demonstrations did not normally fail. That's a myth.

The demonstration that Feynman interrupted was working, quite well. That if failed was pretty obviously the result of removing power from the control system. Papp could not have anticipated that (though he was certainly careless to design the control system not to be fail-safe against power failure.)

The only other explosion I know of was a demonstration planned as an explosion. Please get it straight.

(I'm new to this Papp engine stuff, so there could be plenty I don't know.)

As I've written, I see two possibilities, based on what I've learned so far:

1. Papp was a fraud and others have continued the fraud.
2. This thing is real, there is a real Papp Effect, and we will see an energy revolution, and likely soon.

I don't see "mistake" or "artifact" as reasonable here. The demonstrations were too much power for too long. There is ample testimony to that, and I'm getting some by private mail that is very credible; unfortunately, I won't ask anyone to count on that, precisely because I can't disclose who it is from. All I will do is to assert, on my own authority, that there are experts who have believed that there is something real about the engine, that fraud is unlikely.

But I have to keep it alive as a possibility, until there is full, open, independent verification, and there isn't. Not yet.

Do *not* invest in a Papp Engine, unless you know what you are doing and have been able to independently verify operation. Anyone asking for money for Papp Engines, at this point, is quite likely a scammer.

The Inteligentry "popper," the experimental unit, might be a reasonable investment for someone who wants to check out the science, but, note, there has been *no public demonstration* of this popper. You could lose your money, be prepared for that.

I'd recommend that people interested in checking out the popper coordinate with each other. It could save a lot of money. I'm willing to coordinate this, being disinterested financially, so people can write me off-list if they wish; I'll keep identities confidential unless disclosure is explicitly allowed.

I am *not* a believer in the Papp Engine, my position is that there is so much secrecy and paranoia and rancor around it that we can't know what is going on. I *do* trust the scientific method, and know that "impossibility" proofs are not a part of it. Ever.

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