Here is an unrelated paper from ICCF that includes processing the electrode
material with heat:


On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Jack Cole <> wrote:

> Thanks for all of the ideas Chuck.  I will be out of town for a few days,
> but will give this method a try when I get back.  I just got to thinking if
> I clean the nickels using a torch, it might seal up the tiny cracks in the
> metal through melting.  I can try it both ways.  I have set up a styrofoam
> minnow bucket in which I will submerge a sealed cell for the electrolysis.
>  I can then measure the temperature change in the surrounding water and get
> a more precise measure of energy output.
> I also plan to drill more holes through the nickels, and add additional
> thoriated tungsten rods through these holes.  I'm also set up to be able to
> take voltage and current measurements in addition to temperature.
> I'm also working on setting up a control system with an Android smartphone
> to provide pulsed DC power.  If I get some good results with manual
> measurements, I hope to be able to use the same setup for automated data
> logging.
> Take care,
> Jack
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Chuck Sites <> wrote:
>> Hi Jack,
>> It's funny you said if this is resistive heating, then it highly
>> efficient.  I had a similar thoughts back in the day.
>> Let me share some thoughts on the electrolysis of cupronickel in sodium
>> carbonate.
>> Sodium carbonate does make a for a good electrolyte in Hydrogen loading
>> experiments where the goal is to embed as much hydrogen as possible in the
>> cathode. It is gentle to the anode and does not attack metal, but allows
>> for good conductivity through the cell. If your goal is to understand
>> hydrogen embedded into the cupronickel via electrolysis, I think Sodium
>> Carbonate would be an excellent choice for the electrolyte.  Chemically
>> Sodium Carbonate (washing soda) Na2[(CO)3] is similar in structure to
>> Sodium Borate (borax)  Na2[B4O5(OH)4]ยท8H2O and both are ionic compounds.
>> Experiments like Rossi's and Calianti's use nano scale cupronickel
>> powders in a hydrogen gas loading experiment. This implies, that nano scale
>> features can bind and hold hydrogen in geometric arrangements that are not
>> typically found in nature. So initially we want something that will etch
>> the surface of the Cupronickel an make it nano porous.  Two possible
>> methods can be used here, electro-etching or chemical etching. Chemical
>> etching would be the simplest method for creating the nano scale pore
>> features. If the etching can get the surface from shiny to mat, that should
>> have created enough porosity to effect the possible loading. Rinse and
>> clean the metal well after etching.
>> The process of electro-etching maybe the technique to us her as well.
>> Electro-etching, the cupronickel would be attached to the positive side of
>> the power supply, and etched using. One could use borax as an electrolyte
>> in the beginning, and place the cupronickel on anode (+) side, etch the
>> features, and then after a wash and rinse, use that nickel as the cathode
>> (-) in an the Sodium Carbonate standard electrolysis. Anyway, the idea with
>> sodium carbonate is to really load as much hyrdogen into the metal as
>> possible.
>> Under DC electrolysis, a large portion of the energy will expended in the
>> separation of H2O into H gas and O gas. I think a better approach to a
>> Rossi or Calieanti system would be to use AC electrolysis once a high-level
>> of loading is achieved. So after running the system in DC-mode to load the
>> nano features with H, switching to AC should move the H into an out of the
>> nano features. If there is a tenancy for H to overcome the Coulomb barrier,
>> in the AC environment, the changing polarity might give an extra push.
>> Everyone seems to believe loading is a factor in successful excess heat.
>>  Given how large a nickel is, I would not be surprised at the system taking
>> a long amount of time for DC electrolysis gas loading.  Then switching to
>> AC to initiate a Rossi, Caliani type H gas motion into and out of the metal
>> nano etched surface structure.
>> So the experiment protocol I would try would look something like this:
>> Step 1) Etch the nickel. Either use a chemical etching or electro-etching
>> or sand blast it. For chemical etching, PCB etching solution may work, just
>> don't over do it. Also clean the nickel afterwards in water, ultra-sonic
>> jewelry cleaner may be a useful step.
>> Step 2) DC Electrolysis of Water and Sodium Carbonate, this is to load
>> the metal.   This may need to run several days,  the Nickel should be on
>> the negative terminal (cathode (-)).   The anode could be graphite.
>>  Graphite shouldn't oxidize under the gas bubbling and is neutral to Na+
>> ions.  (Note: an issue is the possible formation NaOH Sodium Hydroxide a
>> strong base).  Jack Cole is using thoriated tungsten rods,  which is an
>> interesting material.  It should be resistant to Oxidation or damage from
>> Base/Acids for the most part.
>> Step 3) Switch to AC for heat.  (Or pulsed DC).  A high voltage DC pulse
>> might also be interesting (but use caution, X-ray are possible).
>> Step 3.5) This is where it could be fun to experiment,  Switch the
>> electrolyte from sodium carbonate to borax solution.
>> Step 3.6) Change the AC Frequency?  60Hz -> XX Mhz.
>> Step 4) Repeat 2-3-3.5 as needed to replenish hydrogen.
>> I'm going to replicate the liquid half-wave rectifier from the 1939
>> Popular Science article.  What an amazing find that was.
>> Here are some Interesting facts about the Cupronickel alloy's.
>> Copper/Nickel catalyst will contain more residual hydrate, hydroxyl and
>> carbonates that plain nickel catalysts. Undecomposed Copper/Nickel catalyst
>> reduces very easily in hydrogen with two distinct reduction peaks.  The
>> first between 180-280 degrees C, and the second between 240-450 degrees C,
>> which corresponds to the reduction peak for nickel.  I find it
>> interesting that Rossi preheats his nickel to these range of temperatures.
>>   Cupronickels forms an FCC crystal typically 19Cu atoms per pure Cu
>> crystal, and Ni will substitute with a Cu forming a Cu(19-x)Ni(x) FCC
>> Crystal 111 surface.  In cupronickel, from a H1s - Ni-3d bond.  The H2 bond
>> is broken directly above the Ni atom, and the H will absorb into the hollow
>> sites on either side of the Ni atom.  It's believe twice as much H is
>> chemisorbed near the Ni atoms into the latice.  One can assume
>> the CuNi-d-band influences the H-1s state but more so near Ni.  Cu does not
>> chemisorb H, Ni Does. Its believed that the d-band of Cu has 0.6 excess
>> electrons and Ni has 0.8 less electronics and there for interacts with H-1s
>> electron orbital.  At 30%Ni 70%cu, the d band is full, and H is less
>> chemisorbed on the surface.  It's also the most corrosion resistant at that
>> point.
>> Best Regards,
>> Chuck
>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Jack Cole <> wrote:
>>> Hi Chuck,
>>> I like your idea of submersing the whole thing.  I did several runs
>>> today, and keep getting progressively better heat production (even as the
>>> temp has been falling through the evening).  Seems to work best doing 20
>>> minute runs followed by 20 minutes with the power off.  I put 10 nickels on
>>> a thoriated tungsten rod.  I first heated up the nickels with a torch after
>>> using them for awhile as the anode to oxidize the nickel and then burning
>>> off the oxidized nickel with the torch (thinking maybe this will cause
>>> microscopic pitting in the nickel).  Then I did repeated hydrogen loadings
>>> using the nickels/tungsten for the cathode.  If this is resistive heating,
>>> then it is highly efficient.  I raised the temp of 5 oz of water 27F in 20
>>> minutes on the last run.  I'm thinking of setting up more of an automated
>>> DC pulsing system to see if that will do any better.
>>> Take care,
>>> Jack
>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Chuck Sites <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>>     Keep at it.  It's a learning experience and probably one of the
>>>> most humbling simple experiments you can do.  I remember very well the
>>>> issue of the alligator clips rusting and corroding over anode, and
>>>> wondering "What did that do?",  What's in the plating of the alligator
>>>> clip?    Do you run the cell covered, not covered.  If I cover it, do H + O
>>>> recombine, and at what rate?
>>>> I spent most of my time after seeing the "effect" developing an
>>>> automated data acquisition system.   The end result was good,  I had
>>>> automated 2 thermistor readings and a Geiger counter on a Sanyo 550 (IBM
>>>> 8086 sort-of clone) but not voltage or current.  This was around 1992.  I
>>>> wanted to have the whole system automated, just like the National
>>>> Instruments show.  Just like P&F and all of the other electrolysis CF
>>>> experiments, I decided to build a calorimeter based on a large insulated
>>>> tank of  water (a 7.5 gallon starfoam cooler) lined with
>>>> reflective Millard, with the water circulated, the top sealed (and also
>>>> reflective) and the CF cell immersed in the bath.   The idea was to treat
>>>> the Cell as if it was a resistive heater, and measure the water bath heat
>>>> as it accumulated heat from the cell.  If the effect was large enough,  it
>>>> should easily overwhelm P=IV  as the power accumulated in the thermally
>>>> sealed bath.
>>>> The goal was to try B11 + p -> 3He4 + 8.7 MeV  as a cold fusion surface
>>>> effect.  Could that happen?  I really don't know.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Chuck
>>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Jack Cole <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chuck,
>>>>> My experiment has ended for today with my power supply blowing out.  I
>>>>> think my last test was not a good test of the nickel vs copper.  I was
>>>>> using what looks like a chrome plated alligator type clip as the anode in
>>>>> both.  I can see where that could have been a problem as well as I don't
>>>>> know what it was plated with.  Also, I think it's not a good idea to use
>>>>> the same power supply for two cells as it seems more current may flow one
>>>>> direction than the other?  I didn't use any W in the copper cathode cell
>>>>> (only in the one with the nickels).
>>>>> Now here's the really curious thing.  In the copper cell, the 10 ml of
>>>>> borax is gone.  I tried to mix it in at the beginning, but it just settled
>>>>> back to the bottom.  Some kind of chemistry was taking place.  Perhaps
>>>>> producing boric acid?  Some of it also appears to have collected in/on the
>>>>> anode.
>>>>> I'm using two small measuring glasses (150 ml capacity filled to 110
>>>>> ml).  Before the power supply blew after 3 1/2 hrs the copper cell hit
>>>>> 129.7F and the nickel cell was at 79.1.  The nickel cell peaked out at 
>>>>> 92.1
>>>>> after 1 hour and slowly dropped.  I think it was a current flow problem as
>>>>> those results for the nickel cell were not consistent with my first run.
>>>>> Also, for anyone trying to replicate should head the following.  If
>>>>> you use a cooking thermometer, do not leave it in the cell while you are
>>>>> running the experiment.  I did this with my first one, and it permanently
>>>>> altered the readout making it 20F too high because of some deposit on the
>>>>> metal that could not be removed.
>>>>> Jack
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Chuck Sites <>wrote:
>>>>>> Jack,
>>>>>>     Congratulations,  your report is exactly in lines with what I saw
>>>>>> with Ni(+) Cu(-) in my jar experiments.   That was typically 100ml of H2O
>>>>>> and a 3gm Na2B4O7 solution.  Once the Ni coin breaks down just a little, 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> a constant voltage system, the current would jump up and the Ni coin 
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> get hot.  (Your counter electrode, should be the temp of the solution).
>>>>>> Those quick calculations are interesting because your doing it like I 
>>>>>> did,
>>>>>> running an open system, no recombiner, and your system has
>>>>>> hit equilibrium.   The fun part is that it will go for days like that, as
>>>>>> long as the water is replenished.  Eventually you may need to add a 
>>>>>> little
>>>>>> more electrolyte.
>>>>>> I know there is some complex boron chemistry going on with metal
>>>>>> oxides forming as a result which is typical of electrolysis.   What is
>>>>>> unusual about this as far as Joule heating, or Ohmic heating, is that in 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> typical wire,
>>>>>> heating occurs in a location where current is pinched where Q is
>>>>>> proportional to I^2 R.  So typically as in a Nichrome wire, it's a small
>>>>>> diameter, and slightly higher resistance than the feeding electrodes.  
>>>>>> Here
>>>>>> you have this really large hunk of metal (the Ni coin) and the feeding 
>>>>>> wire
>>>>>> is smaller than the metal.  It just such a large are
>>>>>> for resistive heating.
>>>>>> I just read your update with the Cu coin as the (+) heating more.
>>>>>>  What is your counter electrode material.  Tungsten?   It maybe, W is 
>>>>>> also
>>>>>> one of those interesting H absorbing materials.  W was always on the todo
>>>>>> list though.   Keep going, I'm really interested in seeing what you
>>>>>> get.   Also, could you guess as to the size of your jar dimensions and
>>>>>> weight.    A typical glass jar also has a pretty good size heat capacity.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Chuck
>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Jack Cole <> wrote:
>>>>>>> So that's 141.7g of water.  It was an open container so heat freely
>>>>>>> dissipated and I would also presume that power was also going into
>>>>>>> electrolysis in addition to heating.  So, based on Arnaud's 
>>>>>>> calculations,
>>>>>>> we can't rule out purely electrical heating.  I'll report on the next
>>>>>>> experiment which involves a control cell using pennies instead of 
>>>>>>> nickels
>>>>>>> and no thoriated tungsten.  I have two identical cells that I have 
>>>>>>> filled
>>>>>>> with equal amounts of borax and water and will be powering from the same
>>>>>>> supply (one has thoriated tungsten/nickels and the other with
>>>>>>> pennies/copper).
>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Jack Cole <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It was 5 oz of water.  I shut it down after the temp maxed out at
>>>>>>>> 158F.
>>>>>>>> On Oct 1, 2012 12:29 PM, "Arnaud Kodeck" <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>>>> Find here some simple calorimetry calculations :
>>>>>>>>> Electrical energy given to the system : 4.33 hours @ 12 watt =
>>>>>>>>> 187056 J => 44677 cal
>>>>>>>>> To rise the temp from 55 F to 146 F, the system need 50 cal/g of
>>>>>>>>> water. (Assuming electrodes and recipient are negligible)
>>>>>>>>> Assuming no loss of heat by dissipation, the electrical energy
>>>>>>>>> released will rise the temperature of 44677 / 50 = 884g of water.
>>>>>>>>> If Jack use more than 884g of water, we are sure that there is
>>>>>>>>> another energy source (chemical or other).
>>>>>>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> *From:* ken deboer []
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* lundi 1 octobre 2012 19:00
>>>>>>>>> *To:*
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Replication of Chuck Sites Nickel/Boron
>>>>>>>>> Experiment
>>>>>>>>>  Very interesting, indeed.  How much water are you using? If
>>>>>>>>> everything were 100% efficient, and you were inputting 12 watts/hr = 
>>>>>>>>> ~40
>>>>>>>>> btu/hr, over 3 hours you would have 120 btu, which theoretically could
>>>>>>>>> raise 1 pound of water 120 F.
>>>>>>>>> Best regards, kend
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Jack Cole <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Jed, glad to do it.
>>>>>>>>>> Small update:
>>>>>>>>>> 7 am Temp 55F Start
>>>>>>>>>> 9 am Temp 110F
>>>>>>>>>> 10 am  Temp 129F
>>>>>>>>>> 11:20 am Temp 146F
>>>>>>>>>> Outside temp started at 55F and was at 57F at 11:20 am.
>>>>>>>>>> I'll keep running until the temp levels off.  At that point, I'll
>>>>>>>>>> work on setting up a control cell.  The water has turned brown, so I
>>>>>>>>>> presume something is also happening with the copper (either in the 
>>>>>>>>>> nickels
>>>>>>>>>> or the exposed portion of copper wire attaching to the electrode).
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Jed Rothwell <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for doing this!
>>>>>>>>>>> - Jed

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