
That article is exceedingly difficult to read.  It's 2 pages embedded into
969 pages of PDF and page 120 is blank.  For the sake of others, so they do
not have to try 6 times to load the page, I have copied what I could, but
it does not contain page 120... because it is blank.

was successfully mounted in the instrument chamber, was fired up, and was
shown to work extremely well, capable of producing a tightly focused beam
of electron pulses (~1 mm spot size, Figure 1b) controllable in intensity
from 5-150 picoamps, and at voltages from ~8 to 21 kilovolts. In the second
quarter of FY11, we focused on optimization of the luminescence collection
pathway, using a simple drop-cast film of cadmium selenide/zinc sulfide
core/shell nano­crystals to produce enough cathodoluminescence signal to
couple the instrument to a Hamamatsu streak camera for collection of time-
and spectrally-resolved emission. The optimization of the collection
pathway and synchroniza­tion were far from trivial, but as of March, the
instrument has been reliably producing beautiful streak camera traces of
nanocrystal emission produced by electrons. Further analysis has brought to
our attention a number of subtle yet extremely important details about the
operation of this streak camera, including how to avoid saturation effects
from the instrumental gain, and how to account for the ef­fect of the
reverse sweep of the oscillating streak bias.


While our appreciation of the complexities of the instru­ment was still
evolving, the third quarter of FY11 was de­voted to collection of a
database of cathodoluminescence traces from a size-diverse series of
cadmium selenide/ zinc sulfide (CdSe/ZnS) core/shell nanocrystals. In
paral­lel, we collected time-resolved photoluminescence on the same exact
samples, which provide a vital starting point for analysis of features
found in the more complex cathod­oluminescence traces. A comparison of the
two is shown in Figure 2. At this point, we can confidently say that the
quality of the data between the two experiments is com­pletely equivalent,
which is a significant achievement in its own right. As of now, we have
full data sets for four differ­ent sizes of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals, emitting
from 530 to 665 nm.

*Figure 2. (a-c) Time-resolved photoluminescence for a sample of CdSe/ZnS
nanocrystals emitting at 630 nm. In (a), only single-exciton dynamics are
observed. As power is increased (b), a faster biexciton peak emerges at the
same energy. Finally, at very high powers (c), a very fast triexci­ton peak
is seen at shorter wavelengths. (d) A cathodolu­minescence trace of the
same sample shows strong contri­butions from the multiexciton states. When
these contribu­tions are deconvolved, hints of charged “trion” emission

Through careful analysis over the final quarter of FY11, we have both fully
characterized the time resolution of our instrument, and developed the
methodology for identify­ing and deconvolving the contributions of several
types of excited states to the cathodoluminescence decay traces. A
side-by-side comparison of traces recorded at several beam currents
revealed that decay lifetimes associated with a given size of nanocrystal
showed no dependence on the beam current, as expected (Figure 3a). However,
the apparent rise-time of the signal depended strongly on the current, but
not at all on the size of the nanocrystals. Effec­tive pulse widths were
extracted from the rise times mea­sured for a range of currents and sizes.
When plotted to­gether, the dependence of the pulse widths on current
be­comes clear (Figure 3b). Extrapolating to 0 current, we see that our
nominal response time for cathodoluminescence is 9 ps, which compares
favorably to the measurements using the streak camera with laser excitation
(~6 ps). We

believe that the additional rise stems from a combination of Coulombic
pulse spread and possible bulk charging ef­fects within the film itself
during measurements. Ongoing experiments are aimed at minimizing the
importance of these effects.

*Figure 3. (a) Although rise time slows with increasing cur­rent, the decay
lifetimes of a single nanocrystal sample do not vary, and are
superimposable at later times. (b) An analysis of the effect of current on
lifetime for several nanocrystal sizes reveals a consistent trend that
implies an instrument response time of only 9 ps, which is further
broadened by pulse effects that can be processed out after the measurement.*

At the present time, we are using the rise-time measure­ments and
laser-based photoluminescence experiments to deconvolve the chief features
in our cathodluminescence traces. Preliminarily, we report contributions
from a range of excited states, including single exciton, biexciton and
tri- and higher multi-exciton states (these last states be­ing
indistinguishable by our method). In addition, we have evidence of a
substantial signal from charged nanocrystal states, i.e., excited states
with an imbalance in electrons and holes resulting in a net charge on the
nanocrystal, the simplest being a “trion” (two electrons and one hole).
Cur­rently, we are refining a model for inferring the fraction of charged
nanocrystals in the whole population.

*Future Work*

The exact fraction of nanocrystals that are charged by the initial
high-energy excitation is the subject of current anal­ysis. However, it is
fairly clear that it is significant. Since multiple states with a charge
imbalance decay by radiative recombination (slow) and non-radiative Auger
recombina­tion (fast) to eventually produce non-emissive ground-state
charged nanocrystals, this result yields a possible reason why
nanocrystal-based scintillators have underper­formed. This suggests two new
immediate goals. The first is to show that the electron excitation method
we employ does not preferentially result in more charged nanocrystals than
would be produced by a gamma-ray of similar energy. This will be the
subject of near term studies based on vary­ing the sample form factor, by
which we hope to modify the ability of potentially excess charges to be
captured by or flow out of the sample. The second is to study nanocrys­tals
or composites that should exhibit modified charging probability (that is,
materials that are easier or harder to ionize). Intentional manipulation of
the fraction of charged

nanocrystals would be the first step towards true optimiza­tion of the
gamma-to-photon transduction process.


Now that we have optimized and benchmarked the perfor­mance of our
cathodoluminescence instrument, we have been able to collect the first
substantial set of decay traces on a size series of CdSe/ZnS NCs, which is
the material sys­tem most studied for gamma scintillation. In conjunction
with photoluminescence studies, we have been able to identify the
contributions of a number of familiar excited states to the decay dynamics.
Most surprising so far is the not-insignificant presence of charged
nanocrystals. While more complete and quantitative analysis is under way,
this observation already suggests the next logical steps for our studies,
which will focus on the determining the source and possibly manipulating
the fraction of charged states. If this turns out to be the dominant factor
in the perfor­mance of semiconductor nanocrystals as gamma scintil­lators,
our study will be the first ever to suggest an active pathway toward
realizing the latent potential of these ma­terials. This could very well
reinvigorate worldwide efforts in developing cheap, rugged replacements for
single-crys­tal scintillators based on this fascinating class of materials.

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