On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Arnaud Kodeck <arnaud.kod...@lakoco.be> wrote:
> Eric,
> Says that slow neutron is produced and absorbed by atoms in a LENR device.
> In the order of 6.24E11 neutron captures per second for 1W, as you said,
> some atoms which have received an absorbed neutron will become radioactive,
> emitting gamma. Example: 58Ni + n -> 59Ni -> 59Co + e+. We should easily
> detect e- + e+ => 2 gammas 511KeV with a 100$ Geiger counter. Anyway, it is
> not good to play around such a reactor in those conditions.
> Arnaud


<<Allan Widom and Lewis Larsen propose that, in condensed matter,
local breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation occurs in
homogeneous, many-body, collectively oscillating patches of protons,
deuterons, or tritons found on surfaces of fully loaded metallic
hydrides; Born-Oppenheimer breakdown enables a degree of
electromagnetic coupling of surface proton/deuteron/triton
oscillations with those of nearby surface plasmon polariton (SPP)
electrons. Such coupling between collective oscillations creates local
nuclear-strength electric fields in the vicinity of the patches.

SPP electrons bathed in such high fields increase their effective
mass, thus becoming heavy electrons. Widom and Larsen propose that
heavy SPP electrons can react directly with protons, deuterons, or
tritons located in surface patches through an inverse beta decay
process that results in simultaneous collective production of one,
two, or three neutrons, respectively, and a neutrino.
Collectively produced neutrons are created ultra-cold; that is, they
have ultra-low momentum and extremely large quantum mechanical
wavelengths and absorption cross-sections compared to “typical”
neutrons at thermal energies.

Finally, Widom and Larsen propose that heavy SPP patch electrons are
uniquely able to immediately convert almost any locally produced or
incident gamma radiation directly into infrared heat energy, thus
providing a form of built-in gamma shielding for LENR nuclear


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