On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 1:47 AM,  <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Sun, 24 Mar 2013 13:13:10 -0400:
> Hi,
> [snip]
>>Classical EM theory says a charge undergoing acceleration should radiate 
>>A charge with angular momentum is experiencing an acceleration (in the
>>classical mechanical sense
>>of angular menumtum) so it should also lose angular momentum through a
>>process of radiation.
>>In classical physics the process of radiating energy is expected to be
>>continuous from infinite to zero,
>>which means there is no minimum energy state.
> This is true, when there are no other factors involved. However in atoms, the
> electron is restricted to occupying resonant states. It is the resonances that
> are responsible for the quantization.
>>So your proposal of a minimum energy state is different from classical
>>physics but it is also different
>>from quantum physics because the process of radiation is continuous,
>>rather than discrete, above that the minimum.
> Not quite. Above the ground state, the electron is still restricted to 
> resonant
> states, and hence photon emission is also quantized.
> (Only resonant states are even momentarily stable.)
> Not only is it quantized, but restricted to transitions in which the total
> angular momentum changes by h_bar, which is the angular momentum of the 
> photon.
> It is this latter restriction which gives rise to the "selection rules" of QM.
> (Not all possible transitions are "allowed".)
> "Forbidden" transitions have very weak spectral lines, and IMO can only occur 
> at
> all when the electron can also exchange angular momentum with something else
> during photon emission. The exchange with  something else allows the total
> angular momentum imparted to the new photon to be precisely h_bar.
> My model differs from QM in that I propose that below the ground state, the
> electron "spin" becomes less than that commonly accepted as the "intrinsic" 
> spin
> of the electron.
> (take my use of the word "spin" with a grain of salt.)

This abstract seems to support your theory as long as the electron's
displacement is small relative to its size.



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