yes, we all get cranky - you, Ed, me......when you work in this field you work 
with more than just a "pebble in the shoe"-arrows in your back, loss of job 
position,.... When the night is darkest, you must just follow the star you can 
see and let others follow theone they see. When the dawn comes, I only hope we 
all make our journey safely. (my own quote) D2
 Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:55:05 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fwd: CMNS: only a perfect LENR theory should attack other 

Edmund Storms <> wrote:

I don't remember be cranky with Krivit.
It doesn't take much to set him off. He thinks the worst of me, and many others.
 I was disgusted and dumbfounded at his approach, which I explained in the same 
way I explain similar feelings here on Vortex. The exaggeration he describes is 
totally in Krivit's mind.

That it is.
  I'm also at a loss as to how an expression of a personal opinion about Krivit 
to Krivit can be slanderous.

He's just being silly. Don't fret about it.
I get the impression he does not have much experience in academia, science or 
engineering. People such as you, Mel Miles and Pam Boss follow the rules of 
academic discourse to a T. Also, you punctuate properly, and you use the 
correct units of measurement. Believe me, I notice stuff like that!

Even when you are cranky -- and who isn't, from time to time?!? -- no one has 
ever had cause to complain about you.
- Jed

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