It is a sad story.

This is why I feel that the project of Defkalion to fund research itself to
make theoretical progress is the only kind of solution.

This is a chicken and egg problem, because industrialist need research
results to make money, and researcher need money to have results...

The luck today seems that Defkalion have found enough to get funded, and
thus can fund research.

The most stupid is that if the government was intelligent, a trillion
borowed at the centralbank would solve all the problems, and since it will
produce results, ther won't be any inflation (and also we will delete many
wasteful investements and expenses)...
That would be very rational, it it will never be.

2013/3/23 Edmund Storms <>

> Jed, funding is not available from conventional sources because these
> sources do not believe the effect is real. Consequently, the money must
> come from private individuals. Such people have funded work of various
> people, including myself, for a long time, but now even their patience has
> run out in most cases.  Such people have many ways to spend their money. An
> often failed claim being made in irrational ways does not provide an
> attractive option.  If I had not studied the literature and seen the effect
> occur in person, I would not want anything to do with this field.
> Furthermore, the next step would require a lot of money, which is only
> attracted to success in making heat, not to basic science.  Normally, the
> required studies would be done at government laboratories or at a large
> commercial laboratory using grants from conventional sources. Because
> "science" does not accept the claims, this money is not available  and the
> large laboratories are not interested.  A few people have had enough
> success to attract private investors, but this work is not focused on basic
> understanding. Instead, it is focused on making a product that can be sold.
> I believe this approach is doomed to failure until the basic science is
> understood. But, I'm not in a position to convince anyone of my prediction.
> They will simply have to suffer the frustration we all have experienced,
> after which they will give up or hopefully come to someone with knowledge
> for advice. The irony is that when some money is available from government
> sources (NASA), the theory having the least chance of success is chosen for
> test.  My personal frustration is that after having spent 24 years studying
> every paper, doing hundreds of experiments, and writing dozens of papers,
> my opinion about the best path to follow has no more weight than anyone
> else.  I can see no more that can be done to get funding until someone can
> make the effect occur without fail at a high level.  This will eventually
> happen, but meanwhile I need to use my time more productively.
> Ed
> On Mar 23, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> DJ Cravens <> wrote:
>> I also am afraid that the time for individual work in this area is about
>> over.  I have done most of the experiments that are within my equipment and
>> budget range.  The key is in the materials and I just don't have the
>> resources for that game down at the small scale where work needs to be
>> done. . . .
>>  So I will let them do what they do and I will slowly do things at my own
>> pace and hope for the best.  I have a few long shots that I need to try in
>> the lab.  I will try to have my fun and let the "big boys" with big money
>> do the big things.
> I understand your frustration, but I cannot understand why you take no
> steps to get proper funding. You say you have seen promising results, and I
> certainly believe you.
> You need to write a professional paper. You need to invite qualified
> experts to your lab. You need to solicit enough funding to do the research
> properly. If you will not take these steps, your work will be forgotten,
> you will have wasted 20 years, and you will have no one to blame but
> yourself.
> Ed Storms, Pam Boss and others have published and done their best to
> persuade others their work is valid. If they are not funded, the decision
> makers in the Navy and elsewhere are to blame.
> Seek and thou shalt find; ask, and it shall be given unto thee.
> - Jed

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