Yes Dennis, this is an odd field of study with no useful end in sight. We are the target of every conventional scientist and now of each other.

My work started like most people - with an awareness that a very important discovery had been made by F-P , which might solve many serious environmental problems that result from use of carbon- and uranium-based fuels. For many years, the challenge was fun and sometimes profitable. During this time, I hoped conventional science would wake up to the proof being provided and allow the benefit to be realized. I see very little progress in this direction.

After hundreds of experiments, most of which failed to initiate LENR, I realized no progress in achieving reproducibility would be possible without applying a basically correct theory. So I set about studying all the theories, which I found to be not only in conflict with basic laws but many observed behaviors. So, I created a description that did not have these limitations. I discovered that very few people care to understand what I propose or are willing to change their clearly flawed approach. Even explaining the basic idea became a frustration. I find that the field is now locked into the same kind of small minded approach I find is used by skeptics who reject the whole idea. As a result, the fun has gone out of my work. I see no future for a studies done at my level of funding and with no access to tools capable of seeing at the nano-level. I have one more study to do, during which I hope to explore the validity of my theory. Meanwhile, I'm starting house repair and will not be contributing to discussions.

I expect the important discoveries will be made by people who have access to modern laboratories. Hopefully, they will discover how the process actually works. However, I expect this understanding will not happen anytime soon because the present theories are too far from reality. Of course, you might say I'm not correct, but how would you know without understanding what I'm claiming and why? I see no effort being made to achieve this understanding and I have given up trying to explain. My papers now speak for me. If I'm wrong, I obviously have been wasting my time. Time will tell if I'm right or not and only the use of modern tools can answer the question. I have neither the time nor the tools. So, I may look for a new hobby.


On Mar 22, 2013, at 4:04 PM, DJ Cravens wrote:

yes, we all get cranky - you, Ed, me......
when you work in this field you work with more than just a "pebble in the shoe"-
arrows in your back, loss of job position,....

When the night is darkest, you must just follow the star you can see and let others follow the one they see. When the dawn comes, I only hope we all make our journey safely. (my own quote)


Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:55:05 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fwd: CMNS: only a perfect LENR theory should attack other theories

Edmund Storms <> wrote:

I don't remember be cranky with Krivit.

It doesn't take much to set him off. He thinks the worst of me, and many others.

I was disgusted and dumbfounded at his approach, which I explained in the same way I explain similar feelings here on Vortex. The exaggeration he describes is totally in Krivit's mind.

That it is.

I'm also at a loss as to how an expression of a personal opinion about Krivit to Krivit can be slanderous.

He's just being silly. Don't fret about it.

I get the impression he does not have much experience in academia, science or engineering. People such as you, Mel Miles and Pam Boss follow the rules of academic discourse to a T. Also, you punctuate properly, and you use the correct units of measurement. Believe me, I notice stuff like that!

Even when you are cranky -- and who isn't, from time to time?!? -- no one has ever had cause to complain about you.

- Jed

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