DJ Cravens <> wrote:

> Jed- "Let me be blunt. I am sitting here with the data from 2.8 million
> visits to LENR-CANR. I have it, and you don't. That makes me the expert.
> Frankly, I think it is a little presumptuous for you and other researchers
> to tell me what the audience for cold fusion papers does or does not want
> to read."
> If that is the case why do you keep that information secret and not
> publish it.
I did publish it! I just now gave the wrong link, but as I noted before I
published it here:

I keep an updated summary here:

Obviously, the individual records are confidential.

> It sounds like you are doing exactly what you accuse others of doing.
No, not even close.

> I HAVE presented papers, data, and methods of producing the effect. I do
> not see where you have published this great information that you claim
> makes you an expert.
I did not say I am an expert on cold fusion. I said I am an expert on what
the public reads about cold fusion, and which papers attract serious
attention. I am librarian. A librarian knows things that a chemist does
not, and vice versa. These are non-overlapping magisteria, in S. J. Gould's
pretentious formulation.

> (But that, of course, assumes that the readers of LENR-CANR, are useful in
> public acceptance.)
What other metric would you suggest? Can you think of a better way to
measure what the public reads than tallying up 2,522,000 actual titles that
the public has read?

>    It is presumptuous of you to think that others would just take your
> word without data. How about just listing the basis for this great insight
> instead of keeping your data secret?  You owe it to the field.
You owe it yourself to read the paper I already provided.

- Jed

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