Wanting to see the effect for one's self is apparently required for the claim to be believed. Unfortunately, this is like asking to make a flash drive yourself so that you can see it work. This can be done, but it takes skill and special tools. You can make the F-P effect work if you take the time, have the skill, and access to the required tools. However, because the process is not understood, success only results by chance after following a recipe. Several recipes are available. Some work better than others. Because the effect is sensitive to unknown variables, the recipes have to be followed exactly, which is difficult. If you are serious and have access to the money and laboratory, your best approach is to work closely with someone who has actually made the effect work. Reading a recipe will not be good enough.

As for using the alloy that is used to purify H2, this is a Pd-Ag alloy containing about 23 at % Ag. This alloy is used because it does not expand when H2 is added, hence does not crack. The claims made by Fleischmann are very confusing because he claims the so-called Type A Pd that he claims worked best is pure Pd, according to him. We do not know the role of the Pd-Ag alloy.

Ed Storms
On May 14, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I meant to say it is NOT as if Storms runs 100 cells in cold fusion electrochemistry.

That would be blind trial and error. That might produce a ~4% success rate. To improve the success rate, tou have to test the cathode material, characterize it, and know what you are working. If you do a good job you can increase the success rate to close to 100%. The next step would be to manufacture cathode material with the desired properties so that you do not have to spend a year laboriously looking for cathodes that happen to have the right properties by coincidence. If you have $100 million burning a hole in your pocket I am sure you could do that.

- Jed

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